Our Mission

The mission of the New Bedford Star Kids Scholarship Program is to provide educational opportunities in the form of tuition aid to effective nonpublic schools, uniforms, after school and summer programs, tutoring and mentoring for high risk, low income children who have a parent with a history of incarceration and/or substance abuse.  Children are typically enrolled in the program between kindergarten and grade four.  New Bedford Star Kids’ goal for each child is to graduate from high school.  By completing high school and hopefully going on to higher education, these children will have a greater chance of breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty, substance abuse and incarceration.

How We Are Funded:

Each student is matched with an individual sponsor or group willing to contribute toward a child’s tuition ($4000 annually for Grades K-8; up to $7000 annually for Grades 9-12). Sponsors receive the child’s report card, school photo, letter from the President and CEO and a thank you note from the student. New Bedford Star Kids also welcomes partial sponsor commitments and donations of any amount, which help with after-school programs, summer camps, uniforms, tutoring, and school-based field trips.

In addition to our sponsors’ support, other educational program expenses (including after-school programs, summer camps, tutoring, etc.) are provided by the generosity of foundation grants, corporations, the Dioceses of Fall River, schools, parishes, our annual appeal and multiple fundraising events. 

New Bedford Star Kids welcomes collaboration with all social service agencies and schools.

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